Inglese domande e risposte

Inglese domande e risposte




I riassunti , gli appunti i testi contenuti nel nostro sito sono messi a disposizione gratuitamente con finalità illustrative didattiche, scientifiche, a carattere sociale, civile e culturale a tutti i possibili interessati secondo il concetto del fair use e con l' obiettivo del rispetto della direttiva europea 2001/29/CE e dell' art. 70 della legge 633/1941 sul diritto d'autore



Le informazioni di medicina e salute contenute nel sito sono di natura generale ed a scopo puramente divulgativo e per questo motivo non possono sostituire in alcun caso il consiglio di un medico (ovvero un soggetto abilitato legalmente alla professione).





Inglese domande e risposte

Quiz mininisteriali – la risposta giusta è la A

Lingua straniera - Inglese
3878. Many European countries' regulations include ICT _______ the initial education of teachers  (Lingua inglese, n.3)
A) in
B) at
C) on
D) by
3879. In most European countries, at least 50 % of students are in schools where one computer is available _______ students.  (Lingua inglese, n.4)
A) for every two
B) in two
C) all two
D) out of two
3880. Every morning when the class starts the teacher _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.6)
A) calls the register
B) makes the appeal
C) makes the call
D) calls the students
3881. Children learned all of the songs _______ for the school play.  (Lingua inglese, n.7)
A) by heart
B) by memory
C) with heart
D) by mind
3882. The government has recently invested a lot of money in higher education.  (Lingua inglese, n.10)
A) college or university
B) college
C) university
D) high school
3883. If I _______ the chance, I'd study abroad.  (Lingua inglese, n.11)
A) had
B) has
C) have
D) were
3884. Class 2B _______ to the museum this morning.  (Lingua inglese, n.12)
A) is being taken
B) will take
C) are taken
D) does take
3885. "He can be a very patient teacher, _______"  (Lingua inglese, n.14)
A) can't he?
B) isn't it?
C) isn't he?
D) can he?
3886. Montessori _______ engineering before deciding to study medicine instead.  (Lingua inglese, n.15)
A) had studied
B) has studied
C) have studied
D) had been studied
3887. A headteacher _______ willing to listen to the opinions of others.  (Lingua inglese, n.16)
A) should be
B) ought to
C) can
D) might
3888. One molecule of pure water is composed _______ two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.  (Lingua inglese, n.17)
A) of
B) from
C) with
D) for
3889. "Shall I send it tomorrow?" would be reported as:  (Lingua inglese, n.19)
A) She asked whether she should send it the following day.
B) She said if she will send it tomorrow.
C) She enquired whether she should have sent it the next day.
D) She asked if she sends it the following day.
3890. If the government gave us a grant we _______ some new computers.  (Lingua inglese, n.20)
A) could buy
B) shall buy
C) would have bought
D) should have bought
3891. Maria Montessori, one of the _______, was born in the same year as the Unification of Italy.  (Lingua inglese, n.21)
A) world's greatest educators
B) worlds' greatest educators
C) world's greatest educator
D) worlds greatest educator
3892. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.22)
A) After experimenting with hypnosis on his neurotic patients, Freud abandoned it as ineffective.
B) After to experiment on his neurotic patients with hypnosis, Freud abandoned it as ineffective.
C) After experimenting with hypnosis on his neurotic patients, Freud abandoned it as uneffective.
D) After to experiment on his neurosis patients with hypnotic, Freud abandoned it as uneffective.
3893. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.24)
A) A bully is someone who systematically victimises another person, perceived as physically or intellectually different from himself.
B) A bully is somebody that systematically victimises another, perceived as physical or intellectual different to himself.
C) A bully is someone that victimises systematically another person, perceived as different physically or intellectually than himself.
D) A bully is one who systematically victimise another person, perceived as physically or intellectually different from himself.
3894. Gianni has an _______ the most fantastic lies.  (Lingua inglese, n.25)
A) amazing ability to invent
B) ability amazing to invent
C) capability of inventing
D) able capacity to inventing
3895. I'll never forget _______ in ‘The Tempest' at school.  (Lingua inglese, n.26)
A) acting
B) act
C) to act
D) acted
3896. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.27)
A) Art therapy uses the process of making art to improve a person's mental and emotional well-being.
B) Art therapy uses the process of making art for to improve a person's mental and emotional well-being.
C) Art therapy uses the process of making art for improve a person's mental and emotional well-being.
D) Art therapy uses the process of making art to improving a person's mental and emotional well-being.
3897. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.28)
A) Nowadays, classes are too big and there aren't enough experienced teachers.
B) Classes are too big and there are enough teachers unexperienced, nowadays.
C) Nowadays, classes are too big and there aren't teachers enough experienced.
D) Classes are too big and there aren't experienced teachers enough, nowadays.
3898. Piaget described four stages of cognitive development _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.29)
A) and related them to a person's ability to understand and assimilate new information
B) and related them to a person's ability to understanding and assimilating new information
C) and related them to a person's able for understand and assimilate new information
D) and related them to a person's able to understand and assimilate new information
3899. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.30)
A) It's very difficult to teach adolescents.
B) It's very difficult teaching to adolescents.
C) Teaching adolescents it's very difficult.
D) To teach adolescents it's very difficult.
3900. Montessori _______ that teachers should be like ‘social engineers'.  (Lingua inglese, n.31)
A) claimed
B) wanted
C) made
D) told
3901. The brain condition which makes it difficult for a person to read and spell is called:  (Lingua inglese, n.33)
A) dyslexia
B) dysphasia
C) dislexia
D) aphasia
3902. I'm sorry I did it. It's all my _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.34)
A) fault
B) guilt
C) blame
D) charge
3903. The pupils will have to be _______ into three equal classes.  (Lingua inglese, n.35)
A) divided
B) shared
C) portioned
D) segmented
3904. That boy's always _______ on those who are smaller or weaker than himself.  (Lingua inglese, n.36)
A) picking
B) pick
C) tells
D) put
3905. We had been waiting for the coach for ages. _______ , it arrived two hours late.  (Lingua inglese, n.37)
A) Eventually
B) At the end
C) Unexpectedly
D) After
3906. Blackboards are _______ . We need to change them all for interactive whiteboards.  (Lingua inglese, n.38)
A) out of fashion
B) up to date
C) backdated
D) expired
3907. Our teachers are all highly _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.39)
A) qualified
B) prepared
C) taught
D) instructed
3908. I'm very busy. I have to write an end of year _______ for each of my pupils.  (Lingua inglese, n.40)
A) report
B) relation
C) relationship
D) relations
3909. "The pupils have made a really good job of the school play. You must see it!" is an example of:  (Lingua inglese, n.43)
A) a strong recommendation
B) an obligation
C) a suggestion
D) a prohibition
3910. "Why don't we organise the school dance in the gym?" is an example of:  (Lingua inglese, n.50)
A) a suggestion
B) a complaint
C) an obligation
D) an order
3911. A headteacher who is regarded as ‘politically correct':  (Lingua inglese, n.51)
A) avoids offending any minority group through anything he says or does
B) follows ministerial guidelines
C) supports local politics regardless of his own ideas
D) regularly puts new policies into practice
3912. The mechanism which prevents women from rising to positions of power and responsibility is called the:  (Lingua inglese, n.52)
A) glass ceiling
B) blocked escalator
C) crystal causeway
D) crystal sealing
3913. "Gianni! You've been watching TV all day. Go and tidy your room. Don't be such a _______ !"  (Lingua inglese, n.53)
A) couch potato
B) lounge lizard
C) idle child
D) baked potato
3914. Which of these phrases does PC not stand for?  (Lingua inglese, n.54)
A) People Carrier
B) Police Constable
C) Politically Correct
D) Personal Computer
3915. To ‘get the sack' means:  (Lingua inglese, n.55)
A) to lose your job
B) to do the shopping
C) to put things in order
D) to win a prize
3916. 'Junk food' is:  (Lingua inglese, n.57)
A) food which is low in nutritional value
B) food of Chinese origin
C) food which is prepared quickly
D) leftovers after a meal
3917. If you think 'outside the box', you:  (Lingua inglese, n.58)
A) think laterally and creatively
B) are generally considered eccentric
C) do not follow generally accepted rules
D) are limited in ideas
3918. Something which is well-designed, easy to use and functional is described as:  (Lingua inglese, n.59)
A) user-friendly
B) design utilitarian
C) utility friendly
D) use friendly
3919. If I ask you to 'take my word for it', you should:  (Lingua inglese, n.60)
A) believe me
B) write it down
C) copy what I do
D) take a message
3920. A man to his girlfriend: "Why don't we go to the cinema?" The communicative function of the sentence is _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.63)
A) suggesting
B) requesting
C) reminding
D) explaining
3921. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come to your party". The communicative function of the sentence is _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.64)
A) apologising
B) explaining
C) giving advice
D) giving instructions
3922. Decide which category the sign "No cycling on this path" belongs to _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.65)
A) prohibition
B) warning
C) information
D) instruction
3923. "To prevent accidents please keep this door closed". Which kind of sign is it?  (Lingua inglese, n.66)
A) instruction
B) warning
C) prohibition
D) information
3924. Choose the right function for the following sentence: "It was really kind of you to invite me to the meeting".  (Lingua inglese, n.67)
A) thanking
B) suggesting
C) reminding
D) offering
3925. "It's a good opportunity, but I've decided not to accept your offer". The communicative function of the sentence is _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.69)
A) refusing
B) thanking
C) apologizing
D) suggesting
3926. "I have been trying to get an appointment for over a week. I don't understand why it's so difficult". In this sentence the speaker is _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.70)
A) complaining
B) suggesting
C) apologizing
D) warning
3927. Why were you so unfriendly _______ Peter?  (Lingua inglese, n.71)
A) to
B) for
C) at
D) of
3928. Nobody believed Tom at first but he _______ to be right.  (Lingua inglese, n.72)
A) turned out
B) worked out
C) came out
D) went out
3929. Keep _______ the edge. It could be dangerous.  (Lingua inglese, n.73)
A) away from
B) far by
C) too near
D) along with
3930. If I were you, I _______ demand an apology.  (Lingua inglese, n.74)
A) would
B) must
C) may
D) could
3931. It _______ all day and the road was slippery.  (Lingua inglese, n.75)
A) had been raining
B) rains
C) will rain
D) is raining
3932. This time tomorrow we _______ to London.  (Lingua inglese, n.76)
A) will be flying
B) flying
C) aren't flying
D) to fly
3933. Apples have become England's _______ popular fruit.  (Lingua inglese, n.77)
A) most
B) more
C) best
D) much
3934. Just _______ students were good, but none of them were excellent.  (Lingua inglese, n.78)
A) some
B) no
C) many
D) any
3935. She doesn't look like _______ her father or her mother.  (Lingua inglese, n.79)
A) either
B) neither
C) or
D) both
3936. Tell the students _______ about the exam.  (Lingua inglese, n.80)
A) not to worry
B) not worry
C) don't worry
D) not worrying
3937. I _______ go to the beach but I like it now.  (Lingua inglese, n.81)
A) didn't use to
B) didn't use
C) didn't used
D) didn't used to
3938. Jane went _______ speaking for hours.  (Lingua inglese, n.83)
A) on
B) off
C) up
D) in
3939. I _______ really grateful if you could answer my question.  (Lingua inglese, n.84)
A) would be
B) am
C) would have been
D) have been
3940. The letter should _______ delivered yesterday.  (Lingua inglese, n.85)
A) have been
B) be
C) been
D) had been
3941. ________ all his efforts, he still hasn't managed to pass the exam.  (Lingua inglese, n.86)
A) Despite
B) In spite
C) However
D) As well as
3942. She speaks neither German _______ French.  (Lingua inglese, n.87)
A) nor
B) neither
C) either
D) both
3943. Which is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.88)
A) He wishes he hadn't left home.
B) He wishes he hasn't left home.
C) He wishes he didn't left home.
D) He wishes he haven't left home.
3944. Which is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.89)
A) You should have told the truth.
B) You should to have told the truth.
C) You ought have told the truth.
D) You ought to has told the truth.
3945. A student says: "I have already done the homework". Which is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.90)
A) The student said he/she had already done the homework.
B) The student said he/she has already done the homework.
C) The student said he/she was already doing the homework.
D) The student said he/she would already do the homework.
3946. IWB stands for _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.91)
A) Interactive Whiteboard
B) Interactive Wide Board
C) Interaction Whiteboard
D) Interaction Wide Board
3947. The _______ of a particular situation are the things you should and should not do in that situation.  (Lingua inglese, n.93)
A) dos and don'ts
B) advantages and disadvantages
C) pros and cons
D) fors and againsts
3948. In the sentence: "Everyone recognized her down-to-earth approach to life", "down-to-earth" means _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.94)
A) practical
B) sad
C) depressed
D) hopeless
3949. "The company is "at the cutting edge" of aeronautics."  (Lingua inglese, n.98)
A) This expression refers to the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something.
B) This expression implies that the company is going bankrupt.
C) This expression implies that the company is cutting salaries.
D) This expression implies that the company is suffering from declining sales.
3950. She started a course at college, but she _______ after two months.  (Lingua inglese, n.99)
A) dropped out
B) went out
C) turned out
D) fell out
3951. Why are all the students in the garden? What's _______ ?  (Lingua inglese, n.100)
A) going on
B) getting on
C) getting off
D) going off
3952. She was forced to _______ early from teaching because of ill health.  (Lingua inglese, n.101)
A) retire
B) stop
C) retrieve
D) recover
3953. In the sentence: "I couldn't agree more. That's a very sensible idea.", "sensible" means _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.102)
A) practical
B) sensitive
C) delicate
D) tender
3954. "To record" means _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.105)
A) to make a note
B) to remember
C) to mention
D) to seem
3955. A synonym for "actual" is _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.106)
A) real
B) fashionable
C) topical
D) relevant
3956. The students got a bad _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.108)
A) mark
B) vote
C) point
D) punctuation
3957. Your energy level is at its _______ in the morning.  (Lingua inglese, n.109)
A) peak
B) top
C) summit
D) edge
3958. She can't afford an expensive holiday; she is on a _______ budget.  (Lingua inglese, n.110)
A) tight
B) straight
C) loose
D) short
3959. "The nearest library is in Oxford Street. Go straight down here. Turn right at the traffic lights then take the second on the left." is  (Lingua inglese, n.111)
A) an indication
B) a suggestion
C) an order
D) a prescription
3960. "Focus on picking one particular aspect of the media to discuss." This sentence is:  (Lingua inglese, n.113)
A) an instruction.
B) a command.
C) a prohibition.
D) a piece of information.
3961. "I'm sorry to disturb you but could you please help me with my homework? " is  (Lingua inglese, n.116)
A) a request.
B) an apology.
C) a suggestion.
D) an offer.
3962. When I went to London last year, it was the first time I _______ anywhere by plane.  (Lingua inglese, n.119)
A) had been
B) was
C) have gone
D) go
3963. Teachers from schools and registered training organizations ___________ in the Board's consultation on the draft Primary Industries and Financial Services syllabuses during term 2.  (Lingua inglese, n.121)
A) have been taking part
B) has been taking part
C) have taking part
D) was taking part
3964. Keynes warned in the 1930s that ageing societies with high levels of saving, and not _______ investment opportunities, face a deflationary nightmare.  (Lingua inglese, n.122)
A) many
B) much
C) too much
D) Lots
3965. I am afraid I _______ keep the appointment I made for Friday 14th July.  (Lingua inglese, n.123)
A) will not be able to
B) should not be able to
C) would not be able to
D) must not be able to
3966. The Council _______ ensure that issues such as policy measures and reforms in the field of education and training are fully addressed.  (Lingua inglese, n.126)
A) should
B) would have
C) must be to
D) will to
3967. Please speak a little more _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.128)
A) slowly
B) slow
C) slower
D) slowlier
3968. The teacher was angry because Tom kept asking lots of stupid _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.130)
A) questions
B) question
C) answers
D) ansers
3969. Please speak a little _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.132)
A) louder.
B) lower down.
C) stronger
D) aloud
3970. Oral language is of particular importance throughout the curriculum, as it is central to the _______ of the child's general language ability.  (Lingua inglese, n.134)
A) development
B) involvement
C) commitment
D) increment
3971. This book is especially aimed _______ teachers who are preparing their students for English examinations.  (Lingua inglese, n.135)
A) at
B) for
C) to
D) with
3972. Match the sentence: If she had studied hard, she  (Lingua inglese, n.137)
A) wouldn't have failed the exam.
B) could have not failed the exam.
C) hadn't failed the exam.
D) didn't fail the exam.
3973. Compulsory school education in Italy produces poor results in terms of 15 – year old students' performances on Pisa tests, _______ other OECD countries.  (Lingua inglese, n.138)
A) compared with
B) compared by
C) compared on
D) compared at
3974. If you don't mind, I _______ with my supervisor and get back to you by the end of the day  (Lingua inglese, n.139)
A) will check
B) would check
C) may check
D) check
3975. Schools should set their pupils on the path to a lifetime of learning, if they _______ prepare them for the modern world.  (Lingua inglese, n.140)
A) are to
B) will
C) are able to
D) will be able to
3976. The headmaster _______ changes in staffing for the last six months.  (Lingua inglese, n.141)
A) has been discussing
B) had discussed
C) was discussing
D) is discussing
3977. I can't make these split-second decisions. State which sentence refers to the expression "split-second".  (Lingua inglese, n.146)
A) I can't take these decisions so rapidly.
B) I can't split my decisions.
C) I can't take these decisions in separate moments.
D) I can take no decisions at the moment.
3978. He'd got completely hooked on the new video game. "Hooked" is used to indicate that:  (Lingua inglese, n.147)
A) he had become addicted to the new video game.
B) he had bought a new video game.
C) he had played a new video game.
D) he'd been interested in a new video game.
3979. That food totally grossed me out.  (Lingua inglese, n.150)
A) That food really disgusted me.
B) That food really pleased me.
C) That food really delighted me.
D) That food really tasted fatty to me.
3980. A teacher asks you, her principal, to approve a project for the European LABEL she would like to launch. Which answer provides the correct response politely?  (Lingua inglese, n.153)
A) I can only put it on the Agenda for the next staff meeting.
B) The Ministry encourages those things but I don't.
C) I can't understand why you teachers sometimes want to do more than is strictly necessary.
D) We don't need any labels: our school is good by definition.
3981. Some parents are complaining because the school will be closed the next day due to a strike. Which answer provides the correct explanation politely?  (Lingua inglese, n.154)
A) Those of you who are workers know that striking is a constitutional right.
B) Why are you telling me? Complain to the Trade Unions.
C) Well, this is a state school. If you don't like it, send your children to a private school.
D) A school is not a parking lot. Use grandparents for that.
3982. From a letter to a provider: "The desks and chairs should be delivered by August 28th at the latest". The sentence is a/an _______  (Lingua inglese, n.155)
A) binding request
B) suggestion
C) hypothesis
D) excuse
3983. Dear student, you are about to reach the maximum number of no-school days allowed. This sentence is part of a/an _________  (Lingua inglese, n.157)
A) warning
B) information
C) request
D) suggestion
3984. "I couldn't care less about your bad marks!" How would you describe this answer of a student to his teacher?  (Lingua inglese, n.159)
A) arrogant
B) uninterested
C) submissive
D) easy-going
3985. "I regard my school as a community of educators." Which alternative describes this sentence best?  (Lingua inglese, n.160)
A) It is probably part of a formal talk to colleagues
B) It is said during an informal chat with friends who are not educators
C) It is a rebuke to a rebellious student
D) It frequently comes up during a family conversation
3986. Don't go into the chemistry lab: someone _______ some glass.  (Lingua inglese, n.161)
A) has just broken
B) just got broke
C) has already broken
D) already broke
3987. My group mates weren't at the workshop yesterday, _______ we couldn't write our report.  (Lingua inglese, n.162)
A) so
B) thus
C) anyway
D) but
3988. Our school _______ extra courses of French, Spanish and German since 2002.  (Lingua inglese, n.163)
A) has offered
B) offers
C) is offering
D) offered
3989. Our school is good at sports. Our team plays _______ very well.  (Lingua inglese, n.164)
A) football
B) the football
C) at the football
D) at football
3990. Parents shouldn't _______ stay out late at night before schooldays.  (Lingua inglese, n.165)
A) let their children
B) allow their children
C) allow that their children
D) let their children to
3991. Principals _______ to be ashamed if they cannot communicate in English with foreign students and their parents.  (Lingua inglese, n.166)
A) ought
B) are
C) must
D) should
3992. The notice says ‘NO TRESPASSING' so you _______ go beyond this point.  (Lingua inglese, n.167)
A) mustn't
B) aren't allowed
C) needn't
D) don't have to
3993. The students _______ the room when the roof collapsed and nobody was hurt.  (Lingua inglese, n.168)
A) had just left
B) were just left
C) had left just
D) were about to leave
3994. Where are you going? The staff meeting hasn't finished _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.169)
A) yet
B) already
C) just
D) now
3995. The CLIL approach _______ all over Europe.  (Lingua inglese, n.170)
A) is being adopted
B) is adopting
C) is going to adopt
D) will be adopting
3996. Motivation makes _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.171)
A) the students work harder
B) work harder the students
C) work the students harder
D) the students harder work
3997. The initiative was successful _______ the shortage of funds.  (Lingua inglese, n.172)
A) in spite of
B) although
C) by virtue of
D) but however
3998. Problems related to immigration are getting _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.173)
A) more and more complex
B) always complexer
C) moreover complex
D) evermore complex.
3999. The school psychologist _______ the pupils talk about their fears.  (Lingua inglese, n.175)
A) had
B) got
C) allowed
D) expected
4000. Does _______ agree with the principal's suggestions?  (Lingua inglese, n.176)
A) everyone
B) all of you
C) any people
D) all persons
4001. The new principal does not want _______ our students about their families.  (Lingua inglese, n.177)
A) us to ask
B) we ask
C) that we ask
D) our asking
4002. The prohibition to violate privacy rules is effective _______ classes.  (Lingua inglese, n.178)
A) both during and after
B) either during neither after
C) from during to after
D) either during or after
4003. I wish my teachers _______ more cooperative last term.  (Lingua inglese, n.179)
A) had been
B) would be
C) would have been
D) were
4004. Two groups visited _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.180)
A) the Science Museum with interest last week
B) last week the Science Museum with interest
C) last week's Science Museum with interest
D) with interest last week the Science Museum
4005. We cannot delay the adoption of textbooks. Please _______ and submit a proposal by the end of April.  (Lingua inglese, n.181)
A) make up your minds
B) start from scratch
C) beat about the bush
D) toss a coin
4006. You smoked in the staff room. _______ , you broke a strict rule.  (Lingua inglese, n.182)
A) In other words
B) Frankly speaking
C) In spite of that
D) For a change
4007. One good mark in a series of bad performances is not significant: _______ :  (Lingua inglese, n.184)
A) one swallow doesn't make a summer
B) one swallow doesn't make spring
C) it's a needle in a haystack
D) it's a cat out of the bag
4008. A teacher's attitude should always be encouraging: never let a student _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.185)
A) lose heart
B) make a mountain out of a mole-hill
C) play fast and loose
D) paint the town red
4009. When the principal is not in, there's an _______ message on her answering machine.  (Lingua inglese, n.186)
A) out-of-office
B) away-for-the-moment
C) in-pause
D) ask-the-secretary
4010. An educator never _______ anyone.  (Lingua inglese, n.187)
A) looks down on
B) puts up with
C) sets in for
D) gets on well with
4011. If it allows only one correct answer to each item, it is a/an _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.188)
A) objective test
B) multiple question
C) closed quiz
D) normal score
4012. Education _______ is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual.  (Lingua inglese, n.190)
A) in the widest sense
B) all over
C) as a meaning
D) every now and then
4013. A school _______ is used to transport students who cannot walk to school.  (Lingua inglese, n.191)
A) bus
B) van
C) carriage
D) limousine
4014. Last March 17th was an _______ holiday. The 150th anniversary of any event only happens once!  (Lingua inglese, n.193)
A) unprecedented
B) anomalous
C) irregular
D) unexpected
4015. Some children living in poor districts haven't seen the Coliseum: they have never _______ to the centre of Rome.  (Lingua inglese, n.196)
A) been
B) gone in
C) visited
D) passed
4016. Statistics are very useful to interpret test _______ correctly.  (Lingua inglese, n.197)
A) scores
B) points
C) tasks
D) votes
4017. A school _______ is given to families at the end of each term.  (Lingua inglese, n.198)
A) report
B) page
C) paper
D) statement
4018. As it corresponds to both the running of an organization and the people in charge of it, _______ is an ambiguous term.  (Lingua inglese, n.199)
A) management
B) direction
C) business
D) gesture
4019. Jeremy Harmer (username- harmerj), the ELT (English Language Teaching) guru, _______ about 4,000 people on Twitter.  (Lingua inglese, n.201)
A) is followed by
B) is followed from
C) is following by
D) is following from
4020. Software such as Skype can be used for _______ sessions with colleagues all around the world for free.  (Lingua inglese, n.202)
A) brainstorming
B) thoughtstorming
C) mindstorming
D) headstorming
4021. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.203)
A) The social networking site Facebook is often used to create groups for people with similar interests
B) The social networking site Facebook is often use to create groups for people with similar interests
C) The social networking site Facebook is often using to create groups for people with similar interests
D) The social networking site Facebook is often used to creating groups for people with similar interests
4022. What is "podcasting"?  (Lingua inglese, n.204)
A) A podcast is an audio or video file that is stored on the Internet and downloaded to a computer and/or mobile device.
B) A podcast is an audio or video file that is stored on the Internet and downloading to a computer and/or mobile device.
C) A podcast is an audio or video file that is stored on the Internet and uploaded to a computer and/or mobile device.
D) A podcast is an audio or video file that is stored on the Internet and loaded to a computer and/or mobile device.
4023. The open source browsers Firefox and Chrome are becoming more and more popular as people want safer and faster ways to _______ the Internet.  (Lingua inglese, n.205)
A) surf
B) sail
C) cross
D) look
4024. The use of employment agencies _______ more and more popular as they allow companies and organizations to hire staff on a short term basis.  (Lingua inglese, n.206)
A) has become
B) became
C) is become
D) has became
4025. _______ is any type of abuse that is based on a person's sex, race, colour, religion, national origin, age, socio- economic status, physical or other disabilities.  (Lingua inglese, n.207)
A) Harassment
B) Mobbing
C) Disturbing
D) Stalking
4026. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.208)
A) Human Resource Management is the management of an organization's employees.
B) Human Resource Management is the organization of a management employees.
C) Human Resource Management is the organization of management employees.
D) Human Resource Management is the organization of an employees management.
4027. What does "notice period" mean?  (Lingua inglese, n.209)
A) The period of time you must continue working before you can leave a job.
B) The period of time you must work before you are offered a permanent contract.
C) The period when organizations look for new employees.
D) The time when an organization releases information to the press and news agencies.
4028. The Human Resources Department is generally responsible for the _______ of staff and personnel.  (Lingua inglese, n.210)
A) hiring and firing
B) giving jobs and firing
C) hire and sack
D) giving jobs and sacking
4029. You __________ be an expert in ICT in order to register with an eTwinning project.  (Lingua inglese, n.211)
A) don't have to
B) mustn't
C) mustn't to
D) shouldn't
4030. When you want to join a new group or organisation, it is often necessary to fill in a/an _______ .  (Lingua inglese, n.212)
A) application form
B) application memo
C) joining letter
D) joining module
4031. There are several ways of _______ with schools in different countries.  (Lingua inglese, n.215)
A) getting in touch
B) get in touch
C) putting in contact
D) put in contact
4032. The general criteria for _______ a European "Label" award are agreed at European level.  (Lingua inglese, n.216)
A) winning
B) to winning
C) win
D) to win
4033. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.218)
A) A European Language Portfolio is a document in which learners can record their language learning and cultural experiences.
B) A European Language Portfolio is a document in which learners can record their learning language and cultural experiences.
C) A European Language Portfolio is a document in which learners can recording their learning language and cultural experiences.
D) A European Language Portfolio is a document in which learners can to record their learning language and cultural experiences.
4034. In the context of education, what does "best practice" mean?  (Lingua inglese, n.219)
A) The implementation of methods and techniques that are successfully used by people or organisations.
B) The copy of good ideas from other people or organisations.
C) The repetition of a single idea until it is proven to work.
D) A competition to see which team or individual is the best
4035. A language portfolio can be useful for both _______ and potential employers.  (Lingua inglese, n.220)
A) job seekers
B) job finders
C) work finders
D) work lookers
4036. European funds are available for _______ awareness of the importance of linguistic skills and developing language learning and teaching materials.  (Lingua inglese, n.221)
A) raising
B) raise
C) raised
D) have raised
4037. The European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme enables people to take part in stimulating learning _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.222)
A) experiences
B) drafts
C) benchmarks
D) endorsements
4038. The Lifelong Learning Programme is best described as a/an _______ programme for four sub-programmes.  (Lingua inglese, n.224)
A) umbrella
B) raincoat
C) Wellington boot
D) waterproof hat
4039. Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education is going through a _______ time.  (Lingua inglese, n.225)
A) challenging
B) challenge
C) challenger
D) challenged
4040. Computers and the Internet will become an integral part of our learning process if current trends _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.226)
A) continue
B) continues
C) will continue
D) would continue
4041. Whiteboards, projectors and computer screens can all help _______ learners, who usually enjoy reading and prefer to see the words that they are learning.  (Lingua inglese, n.227)
A) visual
B) auditory
C) reflective
D) impulsive
4042. What is an "auditory learner"?  (Lingua inglese, n.229)
A) Someone who prefers hearing and speaking as a main way of learning.
B) Someone who learns by touching and manipulating objects.
C) Someone who likes to concentrate on the details of language, such as writing and reading.
D) Someone who is more concerned with speaking fluently than speaking accurately.
4043. There are many _______ to help learners understand which type of learner they are.  (Lingua inglese, n.230)
A) online surveys
B) Internet interrogations
C) online competitions
D) Internet questions
4044. Italian Education Minister, Mariastella Gelmini, claims new reforms _______ millions of euros.  (Lingua inglese, n.231)
A) save
B) saves
C) would have saved
D) were saving
4045. As competition in the job market increases, it will become increasingly important for young people to continue their education and _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.235)
A) to get a degree
B) to make a career
C) to degree themselves
D) to reach a diploma
4046. Our personal information _______ social media companies in order to target us with specific Internet advertising.  (Lingua inglese, n.236)
A) is analysed by
B) are analysed from
C) is analysed from
D) are analysed by
4047. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.238)
A) A number of Internet sites admit that some applications pass personal information to marketers without the users' knowledge.
B) A number of Internet sites admit that some applications pass information personal to marketers without the users' knowledge.
C) A number of Internet sites admit that some applications personal information pass to marketers without the users' knowledge.
D) A number of Internet sites admit that some personal information pass applications to marketers without the users' knowledge.
4048. Several multinational companies, such as Sony, have felt the heat from _______ over the last few months.  (Lingua inglese, n.240)
A) hackers
B) trolls
C) flamers
D) nerds
4049. The first trade unions _______ founded around the time of the Industrial Revolution.  (Lingua inglese, n.241)
A) were
B) was
C) has been
D) have been
4050. The main focus of trade unions is to organize, maintain or improve the conditions of the workers' _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.242)
A) employment
B) employer
C) employee
D) employed
4051. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.243)
A) A trade union is an organised association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
B) A trade union is an association organised of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
C) A trade union is an organised association formed of workers to protect and further their rights and interests.
D) A trade union is an organised of workers association formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
4052. In the context of employment, what is a "strike"?  (Lingua inglese, n.244)
A) A form of organised protest when workers and employees refuse to work.
B) The formation of a new political party.
C) A riot.
D) The closure of schools or other public services.
4053. In American English, a "trade union" is known as a "_______ union".  (Lingua inglese, n.245)
A) labor
B) career
C) job
D) slave
4054. In a multi-cultural school , there _________ be students whose nationality status prohibits their ability to travel abroad.  (Lingua inglese, n.246)
A) may
B) need
C) should
D) must not
4055. European students don't need a/an _______ to travel within the Schengen area.  (Lingua inglese, n.247)
A) visa
B) pass
C) licence
D) entry
4056. Which sentence is correct?  (Lingua inglese, n.248)
A) Who should the students travel with on a school trip?
B) With who should the students travel on a school trip?
C) Who with should the students travel on a school trip?
D) With who the students should travel on a school trip?
4057. In the context of travel, what does "off- peak" mean?  (Lingua inglese, n.249)
A) Off peak generally refers to the "cheapest" time of day to travel on public transport.
B) Off peak generally refers to the "most expensive" time of day to travel on public transport.
C) Off peak generally refers to travelling with more than 10 people on public transport.
D) Off peak generally refers to travelling with less than 10 people on public transport.
4058. An educational day trip is often known as a _______.  (Lingua inglese, n.250)
A) field trip
B) field holiday
C) field vacation
D) field break



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