

How to Write a Summary in 8 Easy Steps

Writing a good summary demonstrates that you clearly understand a text...and that you can communicate that understanding to your readers. A summary can be tricky to write at first because it’s tempting to include too much or too little information. But by following our easy 8-step method, you will be able to summarize texts quickly and successfully for any class or subject.

  • Divide…and conquer. First off, skim the text you are going to summarize and divide it into sections. Focus on any headings and subheadings. Also look at any bold-faced terms and make sure you understand them before you read. 
  • Read. Now that you’ve prepared, go ahead and read the selection. Read straight through. At this point, you don’t need to stop to look up anything that gives you trouble—just get a feel for the author’s tone, style, and main idea.
  • Reread. Rereading should be active reading. Underline topic sentences and key facts. Label areas that you want to refer to as you write your summary. Also label areas that should be avoided because the details—though they may be interesting—are too specific. Identify areas that you do not understand and try to clarify those points. 
  • One sentence at a time. You should now have a firm grasp on the text you will be summarizing. In steps 1–3, you divided the piece into sections and located the author’s main ideas and points. Now write down the main idea of each section in one well-developed sentence. Make sure that what you include in your sentences are key points, not minor details. 
  • Write a thesis statement. This is the key to any well-written summary. Review the sentences you wrote in step 4. From them, you should be able to create a thesis statement that clearly communicates what the entire text was trying to achieve. If you find that you are not able to do this step, then you should go back and make sure your sentences actually addressed key points.
  • Ready to write. At this point, your first draft is virtually done. You can use the thesis statement as the introductory sentence of your summary, and your other sentences can make up the body. Make sure that they are in order. Add some transition words (then, however, also, moreover) that help with the overall structure and flow of the summary. And once you are actually putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys!), remember these tips:
  • Write in the present tense.
  • Make sure to include the author and title of the work.
  • Be concise: a summary should not be equal in length to the original text.
  • If you must use the words of the author, cite them.
  • Don't put your own opinions, ideas, or interpretations into the summary. The purpose of writing a summary is to accurately represent what the author wanted to say, not to provide a critique.
  • Check for accuracy. Reread your summary and make certain that you have accurately represented the author’s ideas and key points. Make sure that you have correctly cited anything directly quoted from the text. Also check to make sure that your text does not contain your own commentary on the piece.
  • Revise. Once you are certain that your summary is accurate, you should (as with any piece of writing) revise it for style, grammar, and punctuation. If you have time, give your summary to someone else to read. This person should be able to understand the main text based on your summary alone. If he or she does not, you may have focused too much on one area of the piece and not enough on the author’s main idea.

Retrieved on June 1, 2009 from


175 things to know summary 1914 to Present summary A Democratic Revolution summary A History of the United States Outline summary A Long Walk to Water summary A model of the atom and the electromagnetic spectrum summary A Passage to India summary A Team Based Approach summary Accounting cycle summary Accounting for labor summary Accounting for Leases summary Accounting for materials summary Accounts Receivable summary African Civilizations and the Spread of Islam summary African rainforest folklore summary Afterlife summary Agatha Christie summary Age of Absolute Monarchs summary Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling summary Aggregate Supply and Demand summary Alfred Adler summary Algorithms summary All Quiet on the Western Front summary Alliances and World War summary Amazon Rainforest Tourism summary America, Africa and Oceania history summary America great economic summary American Civil War summary American Life in the Roaring Twenties summary An Age of Empires summary An uncertain peace summary Analyzing and improving process flows summary Analyzing and Recording Transactions summary Ancient Egyptian Gods summary Ancient Egypt summary Ancient Egypt religion summary Ancient History The Greeks at war summary Ancient History The Rise of Rome summary Ancient History Women in ancient politics summary Ancient Rome and Han Dynasty summary And Then There Were None summary Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology summary Animal behavior summary Animal Development summary Animal Form and Function summary Animals in myth summary Animal Nutrition summary Animal Reproduction summary Apartheid summary Apocalyptic literature summary Architectural Design summary Aristotle's Ethics summary Artificial Intelligence summary Asian Transitions in an Age of Global Change summary Atomic Structure summary Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees summary Augustus Octavian Caesar summary Australia and Oceania summary Autodesk Inventor questions summary Auxiliary Views summary Balance day adjustments summary Basic parts of engine summary Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function summary Being Ethical and Socially Responsible summary Bismarck’s Leadership summary Black Boy summary Black Soldiers summary Blood and Blood Cells summary Bone and Cartilage summary Boundary Layer Theory summary Brand Equity summary British North America summary Budgetary control summary Building Customer Relationships Through Effective Marketing summary Bullying prevention resources summary Business Environment summary Caminalcules summary Capital investment decisions summary Cardiac output blood flow and blood pressure summary Cardiovascular System summary Cash and Receivables summary Cash Flow Analysis summary Cell Communication summary Cell Structure summary Cells summary Cellular Division summary Cellular Respiration summary Cellular topics summary Changing ages summary Charged particles and magnetic fields summary Chemical Basis of Life summary Chemical elements summary Children’s Literature summary Chinese Philosophies summary Choosing a Form of Business Ownership summary Chordates summary Circulation and Gas Exchange summary Circulation and Ocean Structure summary Civil Liberties summary Civilization in Eastern Europe summary Classical Civilization China summary Classical civilization in the mediterranean Greece and Rome summary Classical Rhetoric summary Cloning a human summary Close Reading summary Cognitive Development in Early Childhood summary Cold Comfort Farm summary Colonial History summary Complementary and Alternative Medicine summary Community Ecology summary Communication summary Communication, Language, and Literacy summary Congress summary Consciousness Sleep and Dream summary Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology summary Cooling system summary Constitutional Democracy summary Cost accounting for service business summary Cost analysis for management decision making summary Cost behaviour summary Costs of Production summary Creating a Lean Culture summary Creating a Flexible Organization summary Creating and Pricing Products That Satisfy Customers summary Credit Analysis summary Creo Parametric questions Crime and deviance summary Criminal Law terms summary Christian Europe Emerges summary Competitive Firms and Markets summary Contemporary Management summary Cotton, Slavery, and the Old South summary Crossing the Appalachians summary Crucible of Freedom Civil War summary Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships summary Currents summary Customer service via technology summary Databases summary Databases programming language summary Demanding ethical and socially responsible behavior summary Democratic Politics, Religions Revival, and Reform summary Dental Materials summary Descent with Modification summary Design Concepts summary Design Engineering summary Design of work systems summary Design, Processes and Drawing summary Developing Integrated Marketing Communications summary Digestive System summary Dimensioning and Tolerancing summary Dynamic business environment summary Disorders summary Disorders of Personality summary Divorce Single parent families and step families summary DNA summary DNA Technology and Genomics summary Drafting summary Drifting towards Disunion summary Drawing commands for autocad summary Drawing Methods and Types summary Early civilizations India Egypt China and Mesopotamia summary Early Latin America summary Early Modern Period summary Early Reformation summary Earth before life summary Ecology summary Ecology and the Biosphere summary Economic Policy summary Economic Cost and Profit summary Economics The Basics summary Ecosystems summary Egyptian Art Notes summary El Cid summary Elements and the Periodic Table summary Emile Durkheim summary Emilio Aguinaldo summary Emotion and Personality summary Enhancing Union-Management Relations summary Enforcing the Law and Keeping the Peace summary Engine types summary Engineering Design Process summary Entrepreneurship and small firms deakins summary Enzymes summary Erikson Post-Freudian Theory ERD summary Ethics and malpractice summary Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing summary Evidence summary Evolutionary History of Plants summary Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality summary Evolutionary Theory of Personality summary Eukaryotic Genomes summary European Exploration Causes and Effects summary Externalities, Commons, and Public Goods summary Exploring Global Business summary Exploring Life summary Exploring the World of Business and Economics summary Externalities Property Rights Coase Theorem summary Fahrenheit 451 summary Federalism summary File and Law Library Management summary Financial Accounting Theory summary Financial Calculator summary Financial instruments summary Financial model summary Financial Statements summary Firms and Production summary First Peoples Populating the Planet summary First River Valley Civilizations summary Fiscal Institutions in the Ottoman Empire summary Fiscal Policy summary Fluid Dynamics summary Food Safety and Food Technology summary Forces of Globalization summary Foreign and Defense Policy summary Forrest Gump summary Fossils summary Fragments, Splices, and Run-ons summary Frankenstein summary French Decolonization summary French Revolution and Napoleon summary Freud Psychoanalysis summary From Gene to Protein summary Fuel system summary Futures Markets summary General Equilibrium and Market Efficiency summary Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Genetics summary Genetics and Personality summary Geography of Ancient Egypt summary George Orwell 1984 summary Gerard Genette summary Global History and Geography I summary Global Maritime Expansion Before 1450 summary Globalization and Resistance summary Gods summary Government in America summary Graphics Communication and Sketching summary Great Expectations summary Greece and Iran summary Greece From Ancient Myths to Modern Realities summary Greek history summary Habakkuk summary Hamlet summary Handball summary Handling difficult customer encounters summary Hardware terms summary How to approach a research project summary Help Desk Concepts and Skills summary Health and technology summary Heart and circulation questions summary Henry david thoreau civil disobedience summary History 1750-1914 summary History and intercultural communication summary History networks of communication and exchange summary History of social psychology summary Holes book summary Homers The Odyssey Books summaries Hormones and the Endocrine System summary Human Anatomy and Physiology summary Human Cells summary Human Geography summary Human resource management summary Hydrocarbons summary I Have a Dream summary Imperfect Competition summary Income and spending summary Income Inequality, Poverty and Discrimination summary Individual Psychology summary Indo-European Migrations summary Industrial Supremacy summary Industrialization summary Industrialization Imperialism European Global Order summary Inspirational leadership quotes summaries Integrating Supply Chain summaries Integumentary System summaries Interest Groups summaries Internal Control summary Invertebrates summaries Invisible Man summaries Interaction and Retrenchment Irish Potato Famine summary Irradiance and the inverse square law summary Islamic Civilization summary Italian Renaissance summary Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance summary Java Programming summary Jeffersonian Republic summary Jet Engine Types summary Joints of the Skeletal System summary Kidnapped summary Labor Law summary LabView summary Latin America Revolution summary Latin Symbols in Physics summary Leadership summary Learning summary Legal Administration and Technology summary Leonardo summary Life in Ancient Egypt summary Life of Pi summary Limits, Alternatives, and Choices summary Literary Devices in the Scripture summaries Literary terms list summaries Living summaries Lost Civilizations Africa summary Lymphatic System and Immunity summary Macbeth summary Machining Operations summary Macroevolution and microevolution summary Management and leadership summary Managing in a global environment summary Managing NTFS Permissions summary Mary Shelley summary Maroo of the Winter Caves summary Mastering Financial Management summary Mastering Concepts summary Math notes summary Meaning and Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance summary Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles summary Membrane Structure and Function summary Memory summary Mendel and the Gene Idea summary Mesopotamia summary Measuring frequency and peak voltage summary Metabolism summary Metric system of measurement summary Micro sociology summary Middle Childhood summary Migration summary Miller and Urey summary Mitosis summary Mystery of Mysteries summary Modern Supervision Concepts and Skills summary Modern World History summary Money financial institutions summary Monopoly summary Monsters mythical creatures summary Motivation and emotion psychology summary Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams summary Movement of materials summary Mysteries of the Pyramids summary Mythical creatures in Ancient Greece summary Multi-cellular Organisms summary Muscular System summary Napoleon Bonaparte summary Negotiations Process and Strikes summary Neolithic summary Nervous Systems summary Nervous Systems II summary Nervous Tissue summary Network terms summary New World Beginnings summary Nineteenth Century Imperialism summary Non Traditional Manufacturing Processes summary Nonfiction Books summary Nutrients for plants summary Nutrition and Immunity summary Nutrition and Metabolism summary Nutrition summary Of Mice and Men summary Oneself with Others summary Organic Molecules summary Organism summary Ornamental Beads from Egyptian Tombs summary Osmoregulation and Excretion summary Othello summary Pathway to Confederation summary Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas summary Perfect competition model summary Performance and breach of contract summary Persian summary Personal development summary Persons of Mean and Vile Condition summary Perspective in Renaissance Art in Italy summary Persuading Individuals and Audiences summary Physical, Motor, and Sensory Development summary Phonics summary Physics summary Physics Unit summary Physiology and Health summary Physiology of the kidneys summary Photosynthesis summary Picture Bride summary Pioneering ideas in management summary PKIX PKCS summary Planetary environment definition summary Planning, organizing, leading and motivating, and controlling summary Plant Hormones summary Plant Nutrition summary Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals summary Plant Structure summary Plate tectonics summary Plato’s republic summary Poetic Techniques summary Poetry Book summary Political Economy summary Political order in ancient Egypt summary Political Parties summary Population Ecology summary Post Classical Asia Precision Measuring Tools summary Prefixes and Units summary Presidential Reconstruction summary Pride and Prejudice summary Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen summary Principles of Engineering summary Principles of Evolution summary Priscilla and the Wimps summary Probability summary Process and Project Metrics summary Process cost accounting summary Production function summary Production Possibilities Curve summary Producing ads for print electronic and digital media summary Producing Quality Goods and Services summary Product Metrics for Software summary Progressivism summary Project Management Concepts summary Project Management for Information Systems summary Properties and Types of Sensory Receptors summary Protecting the employees summary Protists characteristics summary Psychoanalytic Approaches Contemporary Issues summary Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality summary Psychoanalytic Social Theory summary Public Administration summary Public opinion summary Public speaking summary Quality management summary Queen Elizabeth summary Questions for Discussion summary Reaction Revolution and Romanticism summary Read and interpret plans and specifications summary Rebirth and Revolution summary Reconstruction and the New South summary Religion of Ancient Egypt summary Reproductive Systems summary Requirements engineering summary Requirements Modeling summary Respiratory System summary Revolutions and Nationals States summary Revolutions and Nationalism summary Revolutions of Industrialization summary Roles of Women in Ancient Egyptian Society Summary Romanticism summary Scientific method steps summary Sectionalism summary Securing Independence, Defining Nationhood Summary Security Problem Summary Selling Building Partnerships Summary She Walks in Beauty Summary Sicilian Expedition Summary Skeleton Summary Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchises Summary Social psychology chapter Summary Social Science History Summary Society and Culture in Provincial America Summary Sociological Theory Summary Software Testing Strategies summary Sonnet 130 summary SQL summary Supply chain process integration summary Standard cost accounting summary State, Society and the Quest for Salvation in India summary States and Social Revolutions summary States and Societies Of Sub-Saharan Africa summary States of Matter summary Stems, leaves, and roots summary Strategic planning and the strategy change cycle summary Streams and floods summary Structure and Properties summary Step in the Mechanical Design Process summary Study Strategies summary Systematic Biology summary Swimming Techniques summary Taboos in Ancient Egypt summary Technical drawing presentation summary Technology and production summary Technology, R&D, and Efficiency summary The Age of Anxiety summary The Age of Globalization summary The Alchemist summary The American Revolution summary The Americas on the Eve of Invasion summary The Atmosphere summary The Bipolar World summary The black cat summary The Bonds of Empire summary The boy in the striped pyjamas summary The building blocks summary The Bureaucracy summary The Characteristics of Electricity summary The Carbohydrates summary The case for the real jesus summary The Cell Cycle summary The Central Nervous System summary The Civil War summary The civilizations of Greece and Rome summary The Chemistry of Life summary The Church in the Americas summary The Classical Idea in the Visual Arts summary The Classical Period summary The Cold War Era summary The Congress summary The Congress of Vienna summary The Consolidation of Latin America summary The Constitution and the New Republic summary The Crucible by Arthur Miller summary The Decades of the Cold War summary The economics of information and choice under uncertainty summary The election of General Taylor summary The Emergence of Industrial Society in the West summary The Era of the Tang and Song Dynasties summary The Earliest Hominins summary The Heroic Code summary The High Renaissance and Mannerism summary The Expansion of American Industry summary The Feminine Mystique summary The Ferment of Reform and Culture summary The Foundations of Christian Society summary The France of Napoleon III summary The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria summary The Gift of the Nile summary The Global Crisis summary The Great Depression and the Authoritarian Response summary The Great West And The Agricultural Revolution summary The Great War, The Great Tragedy summary The Hobbit summary The Hound of the Baskervilles summary The human brain summary The Immune System summary The industrial revolution in great britain summary The Inheritance of Loss summary The Jefferson Era summary The Kings Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt summary The Last Great Nomadic Challenges summary The law of torts summary The Legacy of the Roman Empire summary The Liberal Era summary The Lipids Fats summary The living ocean summary The Lost World summary The Law of the Medes and the Persians summary The Maltese Falcon summary The Massacre at Mystic summary The master budget and flexible budgeting summary The Meditations summary The Mediterranean and Middle East summary The Meeting of Cultures summary The Miracle of Clean Water summary The Modern Era summary The Molecular Basis of Inheritance summary The Muslim Empires summary The myth of King Minos summary The National Experience summary The nature of debtor creditor relationships summary The New Deal summary The North and the South 1861-1865 summary The old south and slavery summary The Origins of Islam summary The Origins of Progressivism summary The Origin of Species summary The Ottoman Empire summary The Ottoman Empire in Decline summary The Parts of Physical Fitness summary The presidency leading the nation summary The Progressive Era summary The Proteins and Amino Acids summary The purloined letter summary The regime of Louis Napoleon III of France summary The Rhetoric of Revolution summary The Revolt of the Cockroach summary The Rise of Colonial America summary The Rise of Industrial America summary The Rise of Islam summary The Rise of Mass Democracy summary The Rise of the Atlantic World summary The Rise of the Persian Empire summary The Rise of the Slavs summary The rise of totalitarian leaders summary The Role of the Environment summary The Sasanid Empire summary The Scarlet Letter summary The Scientific Revolution summary The Second Industrial Revolution summary The Seeds of War summary The Skeletal System summary The Social Structure of The Egyptian Old Kingdom summary The spinning heart characters summary The Spread of Buddhism in China summary The Square Deal summary The squid summary The Structure and Function of Macromolecules summary The Study of Tissues summary The Triumph of the British Empire summary The Value of Operations summary The Vitamins summary The War to End War summary The West and the World summary The World Economy summary The World in the 1920s summary The World of Ancient Egypt summary Theory of Evolution summary Theoretical and measurement issues in trait psychology summary Thérère Desqueyroux summary Thinking critically with psychological science summary Three Cups of Tea summary Thrust augmentation methods summary Thrust Reversers summary Tools and Holding Devices summary Transcendentalist and Dark Romantic summary Transport in Vascular Plants summary Treatment of psychological disorders summary Triangle Theorems summary Turbomachinery design summary Understanding accounting basics summary Understanding Information and e-Business summary Understanding Money, Banking, and Credit summary Understanding Personal Finances and Investments summary Understanding the Management Process summary Union Organizing summary Units of Measurement summary Urinary System summary User Interface Design summary Using Accounting Information summary Using securities markets for financing and investing opportunities summary Utopia and Dystopia summary Variable Declaration summary Vertebrates summary Viruses summary Visible Learning summary Volcanic Eruptions summary Women in Ancient Greece summary War and Reconstruction summary Word processing terms summary Working Drawings and Assemblies summary World War I the Great Tragedy summary World War II Chapter 24 World War II and the Early Cold War World War II Life during Wartime summary World War II summary William Shakespeare summary Warriors don't cry summary Water and the Fitness of the Environment summary Water electrolyte and acid base balance summary Waves and Radiation summary Why I Want a Wife Judy Brady summary Why I write Joan Didion summary William Wilson Edgar Allan Poe summary Wholesaling, Retailing, and Physical Distribution summary Work, Power, and Machines summary Writing Persuasive Messages and Proposals summary Yali questions and answer summary Yali questions and answer summary Zinn summary



Summary Writing

The purpose of this handout is to explore summary writing, an important genre of writing that is often used in business, scientific inquiry, and education. By learning how to summarize more effectively, you will get more out of the things you read and be able to share what you’ve learned more successfully with others.
A summary restatesanother’s work in your own words.  As you summarize, you state the main idea and supporting points of your source in the order of the original.  The poet X.J. Kennedy defines summary in this way: “You take the essence of the author’s meaning, without the supporting evidence and other details that make that gist convincing or interesting” (18).


Why Summarize?

  • Summarizing is one of the best strategies to become a better, more critical reader.
  • Summarizing illustrates your clear understanding of the source work.
  • Summarizing is a useful step in exam preparation: by summarizing you create your own condensed/shortened version of the source, a version which you can refer to later as you study the material.
  • Summarizing will focus your attention on how the source work is organized, a focus which will strengthen your own organization as a writer.
  • Summarizing a source in your own words allows you to make clear distinctions between the ideas of others and your own ideas.
  • Summarizing allows you to join the academic conversation by incorporating the ideas of others (source work) into your own work.


As you can see, summarizing has many benefits that not only help you better understand others’ ideas, but also help you become a better, more active reader.  Because of this, there are many situations when you may find summary writing helpful.


What Can Be Summarized?

  • Lectures, presentations
  • Textbooks, course print, or online materials
  • Video clips / audio clips
  • Workshops
  • Essays, journal articles, etc.


Based on the situation, you may find different ways to best compose your summary and, when asked to summarize for a class assignment, you should always follow your instructor’s guidelines.  Most summaries, however, follow a general format that, once learned, can help you summarize more effectively and in less time.  Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to write a basic summary to help get you started.


How to Write a Summary

Step 1

Critical Reading

    • Read the attached essay by Sherman Alexie closely.  Understand the writer’s meaning.  Look up words or concepts that you don’t know.  
    • Re-read and annotate the essay.
    • Understand the organization.  Work through the essay to identify its sections (single paragraphs or groups of paragraphs focused on a single topic).
    • Identify the main idea for each paragraph (or section) and note that main idea in the margin.
    • On a separate sheet of paper, write a one sentence summary in your own words for each paragraph.  In this way, you’ll actually be outlining the essay.
    • Re-read your one-sentence summary outline of the essay.  Now that you understand the paragraph points clearly, you’ll be able to synthesize these points into a main point for the entire essay. 
    • At the top of your outline, write this main idea of the entire essay in your own words.


Once you’ve finished with the outline, you’re ready to begin drafting the body of your summary.  At this stage, you needn’t worry about grammar or punctuation.  You’re simply trying to get your ideas on paper so you can begin organizing and developing them.

Step 2


  • Begin with a Topic Sentence that states the author, the title, and the main idea of the essay.  For example: In his essay “Superman and Me,” Sherman Alexie illustrates the power of reading and writing for Native Americans.
  • Working from your outline, write out the paragraph’s main/supporting points in your own words in the same order as the points appear in the essay.
  • Remember that a summary paragraph requires more than stringing together the entries in an outline.  Use transitions to fill in the logical connections between the author’s ideas.
  • Repeat the author’s name from time to time for transition, reminding your reader that the ideas are the author’s and not your own.  Refer to the author by name.  For example: Alexie acknowledges, or Alexie explains.
  • Refer to the author by last name, not first.  For example, if the author’s name is Sherman Alexie, and you’d like to shorten the reference to one name, write Alexie, not Sherman.
  • If you use quotations in your summary, use them sparingly.  In a summary paragraph of 10 – 12 sentences, use no more than two quotations.
  • Integrate your quotations effectively.  If you use full-sentence quotations, provide a lead-in and an end-sentence citation.
  • Write a conclusion sentence that summarizes in your own words the conclusion of the source.


When you have your rough draft finished, you’re ready to begin shaping and refining it.  Again, don’t spend time worrying about punctuation or grammar at this stage as you are likely to modify or remove large parts of your summary as you revise.

Step 3


    • Compare your summary version to the original essay.  Have you remained faithful to the essay?  If the author of the essay read your summary, would he or she feel well represented?
    • Remember your audience: he or she has not read the source essay.  Have you made your summary clear and understandable to someone who has not read the original essay?
    • Have you been careful not to plagiarize?  If you used the words of the author, have you put those words in quotation marks?
    • Have you refrained from including your own ideas, opinions, or interpretations? 


When you are satisfied with the shape and substance of your paragraph, you’re ready to start putting the finishing touches on it. It’s often helpful at this stage to read your summary aloud or invite others to read it as this can help you identify errors.

Step 4


    • Be vigilant regarding your frequent grammatical errors. 
    • Look out for the most common grammatical errors: fragments, comma-splices, fused-sentences, comma errors, subject-verb agreement errors, pronoun errors, apostrophe errors, spelling errors.
    • Check your format.  If you’ve been asked to write a summary paragraph, have you formatted your summary in paragraph form?  If you’ve been given a particular length (e.g. 10 – 12 sentences) have you stayed within these guidelines?  


Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished your summary, you’re ready to share it with a friend, family member, or teacher.

Works Cited

Aaron, Jane E. LB Brief. 3rd ed. New York: Longman, 2008.

Driscoll, Dana L. "Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing." The OWL at Purdue. 10 Sep. 2006. Purdue University. 10 Oct. 2008 <>.

This handout developed by Robin Havenick and Greg Rathert, Linn-Benton Community College, 2008, revised Spring 2011.

Clear and effective topic sentence includes author, title, and main idea.

Transitions used to fill in the logical gaps between ideas.

Continuous reminders that this is a summary and that these are Alexie’s points.

Conclusion summarizes Alexie’s own conclusion.

Accurate source citation





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