Trivia quiz questions and answers about French

Trivia quiz questions and answers about French



Trivia quiz questions and answers about French




1.      How many departments are there in France?  95 ***
2.      How many administrative regions are there in France?  22

  1. Paris is divided into how many arrondissements?  20
  2. What is the monetary unit of France?  Euro
  3. Francophone countries measure temperature in degrees   Celsius.          
  4. A Croque Madame adds what additional component to this ham and cheese delight?  An egg ***
  5. If you order a “limonade" in France, what would you get? Lemon-lime drink, such as Sprite or 7-UP
  6. Who is MC Solaar?  A French rapper
  7. Name the national exam taken at the end of study in high school.  Le bac[calauréat]
  8. The last year of study in a French high school is called?  La terminale
  9. Most French students don’t have school on which afternoon? Wednesday
  10. What would you see posted at a store where you are free to just browse?  Entrée libre.
  11. What is a bouqiniste?  Someone selling rare books and posters along the Seine in Paris.
  12. TGV is the abbreviation for?  Train à grande vitesse
  13. The French national holiday is called what?   la fête de la Bastille/la fête nationale
  14. On what date did the French Revolution begin?  July 14, 1789
  15. To get a French male waiter's attention, it is most polite to refer to him as?  Monsieur
  16. What is the French cooking term for mashed up?  Purée
  17. This is inserted inside a King’s Cake, or galette.  A bean/une fève
  18. Figurines that depict the wide variety of individuals that live in the villages of Provence.  Santons
  19. What do you call the bathrooms in a department store? les toilettes
  20. What system of measurement is used in France?  Metric
  21. This river runs through Paris from east to west.  La Seine
  22. What is the capital of Canada? Ottawa
  23. What is an island in the Caribbean that is a part of France? la Guadeloupe/la Martinique
  24. Most French people are of what religion? chrétien/catholique
  25. What is one country of le Maghreb? l’Algérie/la Tunisie/le Maroc (English accepted)
  26. On how many continents is French spoken? 5
  27. Which is the largest museum in the world? le Louvre
  28. Comment dit-on ‘seeing is believing’ en français ? voir, c’est croire
  29. Comment dit-on ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’ en français ? vouloir, c’est pouvoir
  30. What is the second largest French-speaking city in the world? Montréal
  31. Which French-speaking country hosts the Carnaval d’hiver? Canada
  32. Name three countries that border France. Espagne, le Royaume Uni, Allemagne, Italie, Suisse, Belgique, Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorre
  33. Name a European country, aside from France, where French is spoken. Suisse, Belgique, Monaco, Andorre, Luxembourg
  34. What is the date of la Toussaint in France ? 1 nov.
  35. What is a popular public transportation system in Paris? le métro/le bus
  36. In which province of Canada is French the only official language ? Québec
  37. What is the difference between a collège and a lycée ? a college is like a middle school and a lycée is like a high school
  38. What is the largest château in France? Chambord
  39. What is a province in the north-west of France ? Normandie/Bretagne/Pays de la Loire
  40. Which sea borders the south of France ? la mer Méditerranée
  41. What body of water lies between the United Kingdom and France? la Manche
  42. Who is the current president of France ? Nicolas Sarkozy
  43. Which ocean is on the west coast of France ? l’océan Atlantique
  44. Under which Parisian monument are the tombs of the unknown soldiers from the first and second World Wars? l’Arc de Triomphe
  45. Which monument in Paris was created for the World’s Fair? la Tour Eiffel
  46. What type of money is used in France? euro
  47. What type of money used to be used in France? franc
  48. What city is an important seaport in the south of France? Marseille
  49. What is the principal crop in Haiti? le canne à sucre/sugar cane
  50. Name an Impressionist painter who cut off his ear. Van Gogh
  51. Which country has the Grand-Prix? Monaco
  52. What is the most popular sport in France? le football
  53. What is the largest island off the coast of Africa is French spoken? Madagascar
  54. What is the only place in South America where French is spoken? la Guyane Français
  55. If it is 7:00 pm in New York City, what time is it in Paris? 1:00 am
  56. In what month do most French students start school? September/Septembre
  57. What is a famous university in Paris? la Sorbonne
  58. Which neighborhood do many students frequent in Paris? le quartier latin
  59. Which painter had a house in Giverny ? Claude Monet
  60. What monastery is sometimes an island, other times a peninsula off the north-west coast of France? Mont St Michel
  61. France is roughly the size of which state of the U.S.? Texas
  62. What type of public transport is popular in Haiti? le tap-tap
  63. The SNCF controls what in France? les trains
  64. Arles was the home of which famous Impressionist painter? Vincent Van Gogh.
  65. What is the bûche de noel? a cake
  66. Quelle est la date du jour de St. Nicolas? le 6 décembre.
  67. Name two mountain chains in France. Vosges, Alpes, Massif Centrale, Pyrenees
  68. What is the francophone country whose capital is Ft. de France? Martinique
  69. What do you call the specialty store where you buy beef and other meats? La boucherie
  70. Who is buried in l’Hotel des Invalides in Paris? Napoleon
  71. Which museum  houses modern art? Centre Pompidou
  72. What is eaten on the holiday called la fete des rois or Kings Day? Cake with a ring / toy/ baby hidden inside
  73. Among tourists what is the Loire Valley most famous for? Castles (Chateaux)
  74. What is the name of the Parisian monument on Place Charles de Gaulle? Arc de Triomphe
  75. Which museum houses Impressionist Art? Le Musée d’Orsay
  76. What is the business section of Paris where all skyscrapers are located? La Défense
  77. What is the longest river in France?  La Loire
  78. Name the Francophone country whose capital is Dakar? Le Sénégal
  79. In France which meal is usually the largest meal of the day? lunch / le déjeuner
  80. Put the following courses in order:  la salade, le plat principale, ,le dessert, l’entrée l’entrée, le plat principale, la salade, le dessert
  81. Who is known as the Maid of Lorraine? Jeanne d’Arc
  82. Which French province is most known for cheese and dairy production? Normandie
  83. Which French province is most known for fishing, lace-production and oyster breeding? Bretagne
  84. What is Carnac, France famous for? dolmens and menhirs
  85. What is the collective name for the countries and regions of the world where French is spoken ? La Francophonie
  86. What is the “maillot jaune”? It is the jersey worn by the leader in the Tour de France.
  87. « Le Réveillon » is celebrated one or twice a year in most French homes.  Name one of the two occasions on which it is held. Christmas (Noël) or New Year’s Eve (la Saint-Sylvestre, le Jour de l’An)
  88. In which famous Paris building will one find paintings by Marc Chagall on the ceiling ? L’Opéra Garnier
  89. To which speciality shop does one go to purchase « une baguette » or « un gâteau au chocolat. » à la boulangerie-pâtisserie
  90. What is the name of the river near which King François Ier built several Renaissance châteaux ? La Loire
  91. Before the main meal, the French often serve a light snack and a drink before being seated at table.  What is this called ? un aperitif
  92. Which French province is home to the following :  Le Pont du Gard, Nice, Marseille and Grasse. la Provence
  93. At what age can one get an unrestricted driver’s license in France ? 18 years
  94. What is the name of the French national anthem ? La Marseillaise
  95. What are the administrative divisions of Paris called ? des arrondissements
  96. In what month do most French people take an extended vacation ? August (août)
  97. What name is given to the general shape of France ? L’Hexagone
  98. When acquaintances or family members greet each other, they often exchanges kisses on the cheek.  What is the name for this ? les bises/faire la bise
  99. In what famous square did the guillotine stand during the French Revolution ?  Give its modern name. Place de la Concorde
  100. Name three items that comprise the typical French breakfast, in French. (any of the following) du pain (une baguette), du chocolat chaud, du café, des croissants, un yaourt, un jus de fruit, des céréales DO NOT ACCEPT :  des œufs, des crêpes, etc.
  101. Name the French company that manufactures and launches rockets from La Guyane in South America ?     Ariane(space)
  102. Name the island on which over 30,000 people died as a result of the eruption of Mont Pelée in 1902.  This island is a French territory. La Martinique
  103. What do the following have in common:  Odéon, Charles de Gaulle-Étoile, Châtelet, Mairie d’Issy, Porte de la Chapelle They are all stops on the metro.
  104. A student in the tenth grade in the United States would be in what grade in a French lycée? en deuxième
  105. Name two monuments located on L’Île de la Cité in Paris.  Notre Dame de Paris, la Conciergerie, la Sainte-Chapelle



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Trivia quiz questions and answers about French


Trivia quiz questions and answers about French


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Trivia quiz questions and answers about French